Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Portuguese Word Frequency - Top 5000 Words

A legitimate tool to focus on pure vocabulary retention is to use word frequency lists.  

Here's is a .pdf copy to check out I found online.

I use this list to help build memory palaces for new words.  If the phrase "memory palace" is a new phrase, I would recommend this book.  Its an easy read (or Audible listen), and I found it interesting (both the practical application of the techniques discussed for language acquisition, but the historical examples the author uses to support the validity of the techniques discussed).

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Que or Qual

Googled this question this morning.  I enjoyed this post:

“O que” and “Qual” mean “What” and “Which”, respectively. These two Interrogative Pronouns are very easy but at the same time they are very confusing topics for Portuguese for foreigners’ students, because the rule is different in each language.

In order to help foreign people that want to learn Portuguese, here goes a cool tip:

  • “O que” is used in general questions, when you don’t have options for the answer.

Ex: O que você vai fazer hoje à noite? (You can do anything you want)
O que é isso? (It can be anything)
PS: If there’s “o que” after a verb, you can use “o que” (more common, in this case) or “que”. If there’s a noun after the Interrogative Pronoun, you only can use “que”.

Ex: Que você vai fazer hoje à noite? or O que você vai fazer hoje à noite?
O que é isso? Ou Que é isso?

Que barulho é esse? But no, O que barulho é esse? because ‘noise’ (barulho) is a noun.


  • “Qual” is used in questions with answers that belong to groups.

Ex: Qual é seu nome? (group of names)

Qual é sua nacionalidade? (group of nationalities)
Qual é seu lugar favorito (group of places)
Qual é a melhor? (group of the best ones)

Attention: We also use “Qual” in the structure for questions:
Qual dos/das” + number + complement?

Ex: Qual dos dois irmãos é médico?

Qual das quatro canetas é sua?

It’s not difficult, is it?

If you have an idea about a subject for our next post, write to Mundo Brasil!